Integrity Kennels
The Alaskan Malamute
We presently compete with our dogs in conformation events held in conjunction with the Canadian Kennel Club and American Kennel Club. We look forward to the near future bringing them abroad to Europe.
We also have with experience in weight pull and sledding.
We health test for eyes, heart and hips. All of our puppy contracts have a two year health guarantee for genetic hip dysplasia, genetic eye conditions and genetic heart conditions.
Alaskan Malamutes in general are very happy go-lucky dogs. They do have a stubborn side that must be properly trained and guided. Though the breed is very attached to their family and loves to be with them, they can do well on their own. Malamutes are not the best breed to own in general with small animals and young children unless they are properly raised and socialized with them. The present dogs in our breeding program are extremely human friendly and affectionate.
Alaskan Malamutes have a very high trainability and they adapt quickly. They are extremely food motivated, which can make training easier and they tend to learn much faster when rewarded with treats. Of course, depending on the type of training you are looking for (conformation, obedience, recall etc.) it should be taught from a young age, preferably once you bring them home. For families that get malamutes from us, we are experienced in weight pull and sledding and we are happy to educate you if interested. Recall should always be taught in an enclosed area with no other animals, which can later be introduced to your dog.
Family & Kids
Alaskan Malamutes can be wonderful family pets. Full of love and joy, they will always manage to put a smile on your face. Things to be cautious about is proper exposure and training to young and elderly folk. Proper exposure of meeting young and small children are important as dogs perceive them as "lower" in the pack structure. Our current dogs and dogs re-homed from us have never had issues adapting to the young or elderly.
It is important to take note that during their "teenage" stage and becoming sexually mature, malamutes may become unruly and dominant. This requires firm and consistent training to help guide them through this period. Out of all the breeds out there, this is where is it extremely crucial to be cautious of the breeder you choose. It is vital who you choose as a breeder, as many different kennels and lines of malamutes can carry a sharp edge in temperament which is not desirable for a family pet.
Other Animals
Alaskan Malamutes can be a prey driven breed, it is crucial that they are properly socialized at a young age with small animals.
Occasionally, we do have young adults or adults available to pet homes. At this time when raised with us, they are not raised with small animals. Generally we do not recommend a young adult or mature adult to be adopted into a home with small animals, though we have had families very successful in doing so.
Colours of The Alaskan Malamute

Grooming & Maintenance
Although Alaskan Malamutes are a shedding breed, their maintenance is fairly easy. For starters, two-to-three times a year malamute tends to shed their hair in bulk, otherwise known as "pelting". This happens due to weather changes and usually happens during the fall and spring seasons. A thicker coat grows in for the winter season meanwhile a less dense coat grows during the spring as summer arrives. Some malamutes will completely pelt their undercoat leaving them almost naked while others just shed large amounts. This can vary for all malamutes, intact or fixed.
We recommend grooming your malamute every eight weeks, for a correct malamute coat. This can help decrease the amount of shedding if the coat is "rolled" properly. This means a proper de-shed during his/her grooming whether you decide to groom him/her yourself or take him/her to a grooming salon. Malamutes are to only have their feet and unruly hairs lightly trimmed. Nails are recommended to be cut/grind every two weeks to prevent pain and discomfort.
Unfortunately some lines do carry a long or soft coated gene which dogs born with this type of hair usually are placed in pet homes as it is incorrect for the breed. Long and soft coated malamutes require more maintenance and we strongly recommended professional grooming every four-to-six weeks to manage their coat and prevent any impacted or matted hair, which will cause discomfort for the dog.
It is important for you to expose your malamute to professional grooming from the moment you take them home. As they are raised with us, they receive several baths and nail trims. In an ideal world as we are groomers, we prefer to see new puppies groomed in different stages. The first professional groom should be at 10 weeks, followed by 12 weeks old, then 14 weeks old. If the dog at this stage is doing well with the grooming process, you can then move to 18 weeks of age and 22 weeks of age. From this point, the dog should be comfortable with grooming and can then be performed every 8 weeks. We recommend when receiving your malamute, we strongly encourage to find a groomer and set up a schedule with them. Many groomers are willing to work out fair pricing as this is being done very often to ensure the dog is properly socialized during the grooming process, which benefits the puppy and the groomer.
Things you can do at home to create a stress-free experience includes brushing, combing, using a hair dryer on their coat, whether they are wet or dry, trimming their nails once a week and touching their feet along with holding their legs without difficulty. These are the key parts to grooming that your dog will need to be comfortable with for a stress-free groom, it will make you, your dog and your groomer's life much more peaceful.
How do I if know a Malamute is right for my lifestyle?
In an ideal situation like most large breed dogs, a malamute does best in a home with a backyard/property. Though 99% of the time we recommend this, sometimes we may make exceptions to those living in townhomes or condos, but this needs to be a very special active person, with proper trails, parks and locations for the dog to exercise close to where they live. This will be approved on an extremely individual basis. We do not condone or recommend dog parks for any dog, we are happy to elaborate and educate you on why on a phone conversation.
Canadian Kennel Club Breed Standard:
"The breed standard outlines the ideal characteristics, temperament and appearance of a breed, and ensures that a dog can carry out its original purpose. Breeders and judges should be mindful to prioritize dogs that are healthy and sound in both mind and body."
Origin & Purpose
The Alaskan Malamute, one of the oldest Arctic sled dogs, was named after the native Inuit tribe called Mahlemuts (now spelled Malamute), who settled along the shores of Kotzebue Sound in the upper western regions of Alaska. Written accounts of Alaska from various explorers and travellers rarely mention the Mahlemut people without reference to their dogs, which were of the spitz type described as being powerful looking and of remarkable endurance and fortitude. These dogs were used primarily as draught animals to haul heavy sleds, but were also used to pack supplies, for hunting seals and in packs to track polar bears. Early writings indicate that the dogs kept by the Mahlemut people were better cared for than was usual for Arctic sled dogs, and this seemingly accounts for the breed’s affectionate disposition.
General Appearance
The Alaskan Malamute is a powerful and substantially built dog with a deep chest and strong, well muscled body. The Malamute stands well over the pads, and this stance gives the appearance of much activity and a proud carriage, with head erect and eyes alert showing interest and curiosity. The head is broad. Ears are triangular and erect when alerted. The muzzle is bulky, only slight diminishing in width from root to nose. The muzzle is not pointed or long, yet not stubby. The coat is thick with a coarse guard of sufficient length to protect a woolly undercoat. Malamutes are of various colours. Face markings are a distinguishing feature. These consist of a cap over the head, the face either all white or marked with a bar and/or mask. The tail is well furred, carried over the back, and has the appearance of a waving plume.
The Malamute must be a heavy boned dog with sound legs, good feet, deep chest and powerful shoulders, and have all of the other physical attributes necessary for the efficient performance of his job. The gait must be steady, balanced, tireless and totally efficient. He is not intended as a racing sled dog designed to compete in speed trials.
In judging Malamutes, their function as a sled dog for heavy freighting in the Arctic must be given consideration above all else. The degree to which a dog is penalized should depend upon the extent to which the dog deviates from the description of the ideal Malamute and the extent to which the particular fault would actually affect the working ability of the dog. The legs of the Malamute must indicate unusual strength and tremendous propelling power.
The Alaskan Malamute is an affectionate, friendly dog, not a “one man” dog. He is a loyal, devoted companion, playful in invitation, but generally impressive by his dignity after maturity.
There is a natural range in size in the breed. The desirable freighting sizes are dogs, 63.5 cm (25 in) at the shoulders, 38.5 kg (85 lb); bitches, 58.5 cm (23 in) at the shoulders, 34 kg (75 lb). However, size consideration should not outweigh that of type, proportion, movement and other functional attributes. When dogs are judged equal in type, proportion, movement, the dog nearest the desirable freighting size is to be preferred. The depth of chest is approximately one half the height of the dog at the shoulders, the deepest point being just behind the forelegs. The length of the body from point of shoulder to the rear point of pelvis is longer than the height of the body from
ground to top of the withers. The body carries no excess weight, and bone is in proportion to size.
Coat & Colour
The Malamute has a thick, coarse guard coat, never long and soft. The undercoat is dense, from 2.5 to 5 cm (1 to 2 in) in depth, oily and woolly. The coarse guard coat varies in length, as does the undercoat. The coat is relatively short to medium along the sides of the body, with the length of the coat increasing around the shoulders and neck, down the back, over the rump, and in the breeching and plume. Malamutes usually have a shorter and less dense coat during the summer months. The Malamute is shown naturally. Trimming is not acceptable except to provide a clean cut appearance of feet.
The usual colours range from light grey through intermediate shadings to black, sable and shadings of sable to red. Colour combinations are acceptable in undercoats, points and trimmings. The only solid colour allowable is all white. White is always the predominant colour on underbody, parts of legs, feet and part of face markings. A white blaze on the forehead and/or collar or a spot on the nape is attractive and acceptable. The Malamute is mantled, and broken colours extending over the body or uneven splashing are undesirable.
The head is broad and deep, not coarse or clumsy, but in proportion to the size of the dog. The expression is soft and indicates an affectionate disposition. The eyes are obliquely placed in the skull. Eyes are brown, almond shaped and of medium size. Dark eyes are preferred. The ears are of medium size, but small in proportion to the head. The ears are triangular in shape and slightly rounded at the tips. They are set wide apart on the outside back edges of the skull on line with the upper corner of the eye, giving ears the appearance, when erect, of standing off from the skull. Erect ears point slightly forward, but when the dog is at work, the ears are sometimes folded against the skull. The skull is broad and moderately rounded between the ears, gradually narrowing and flattening on top as it approaches the eyes, rounding off to cheeks that are moderately flat. There is a slight furrow between the eyes. The topline of the skull and the topline of the muzzle show a slight break downward from a straight line as they join. The muzzle is large and bulky in proportion to the size of the skull, diminishing slightly in width and depth from junction with the skull to the nose. In all coat colours except reds, the pigmentation of the nose, lips and eye rims is black. Brown is permitted in red dogs. The lighter streaked “snow nose” is acceptable. The lips are close fitting. The upper lower jaws are broad with large teeth The incisors meet with a scissors grip.
Neck, Forequarters
& Body
The neck is strong and moderately arched.
The shoulders are moderately sloping; forelegs heavily boned and muscled, straight to the pasterns when viewed from the front. Pasterns are short and strong and slightly sloping when viewed from the side. The feet are of the snowshoe type, tight and deep, with well cushioned pads, giving a firm, compact appearance. The feet are large, toes tight fitting and well arched. There is a protective growth of hair between the toes. The pads are thick and tough; toenails short and strong.
The chest is well developed. The body is compactly built but not short coupled. The back is straight and gently sloping to the hips. The loins are hard and well muscled.​
The tail is moderately set and follows the line of the spine at the base. The tail is carried over the back when not working. It is not a snap tail or curled tight against the back, nor is it short furred like a fox brush. The Malamute tail is well furred and has the appearance of a waving plume.
The rear legs are broad and heavily muscled through the thighs; stifles moderately bent; hock joints are moderately bent and well let down. When viewed from the rear, the legs stand and move true in line with the movement of the front legs, not too close or too wide. Dewclaws on the rear legs may be removed shortly after puppies are whelped but for this working breed, dewclaw removal is suggested.
The gait of the Malamute is steady, balanced and powerful. He is agile for his size and build. When viewed from the side, the hindquarters exhibit strong rear drive that is transmitted through a wellͲmuscled loin to the forequarters. The forequarters receive the drive from the rear with a smooth reaching stride. When viewed from the front or from the rear, the legs move true in line, not too close or too wide. At a fast trot, the feet will converge toward the centre line of the body. A stilted gait, or any gait that is not completely efficient and tireless, is to be penalized.
The Malamute is structured for strength and endurance, and any characteristic of the individual specimen, including temperament, which interferes with the accomplishment of this purpose, is to be considered the most serious of faults.
Any indication of unsoundness in legs and feet, front or rear, standing or moving is to be considered a serious fault. Faults under this provision would be splayed footedness, cow hocks, bad pasterns, straight shoulders, lack of angulation, stilted gait (or any gait that isn’t balanced, strong and steady), ranginess, shallowness, ponderousness, lightness of bone and poor overall proportion.
High set ears.
Overshot or undershot
A long loin that may weaken the back.
Blue eyes.
“Alaskan Malamute | CKC.”,