Integrity Kennels
The Bouvier Des Flandres
We presently compete with our dogs in conformation events held in conjunction with the Canadian Kennel Club and American Kennel Club.
We also have with experience in obedience and protection training. Our imported Bouvier Des Flandres come from different working and show lines. Typically our working line Bouviers are not shown as they can be a very different style, especially in North America.
We health test for eyes, heart and hips. All of our puppy contracts have a two year health guarantee for genetic hip dysplasia, genetic eye conditions and genetic heart conditions.
Bouviers as a whole are great all-around family pets. They have the ability to be laid back and easy going, but great hardcore working dogs at the same time, giving you the best of both worlds. They are a versatile breed that many adore, whether as a family pet or more.
Bouviers are easy to train. They excel in obedience and agility, but also succeed in protection training. If you are looking for a protection dog but don't want extremely high energy or shedding such as the German Shepherd or Belgian Malanois, the Bouvier Des Flandres may be a better choice. The Bouvier is one of the few breeds that can achieve a KNPV title.
Family & Kids
Bouviers consider kids they are raised with members of the pack and enjoy playing with them. Bouviers can be great with children but also protective of them. This being said, they can be stubborn and they must be guided through this. They make a wonderful, happy family pet who also have the trainability to protect them. The Bouvier is a wonderful family dog who is devoted and protective with their family, including children. They are a herding breed, they may wish to herd children with nudges and barks. Again, this is something that must be guided appropriately.
Other Animals
Bouviers can get along with other animals if they are raised with them, otherwise they may show aggression towards other dogs. Just like most breeds, it is important to properly train and socialize your Bouvier to de-sensitize them with other animals, small or large.
Colours of The Bouvier Des Flandres

Grooming & Maintenance
Bouvier Des Flandres are a low shedding breed that require professional grooming. We highly recommend finding a groomer in advance before taking your new pup home.
We recommend grooming your Bouvier every 6-8 weeks or shorter. This can vary shorter or longer in between grooming appointments based on the haircut you choose and your maintenance at home. Bouviers have a type of hair that can allow for a unique range of haircuts to alternate from during all seasons.
Some lines of Bouviers can carry a undercoat that is more dense which can require extra up-keep or more often grooming appointments. If you choose to get a longer haircut, with maintenance at home we recommend bringing your Bouvier to a professional grooming salon for a bath & trim, this makes it easier to brush and maintain the coat at home, which also should include a foot, face and sanitary trim (if it does not you can request this). If you choose to get a shorter haircut, it makes for easier maintenance that can stretch out your grooming appointments further.
It is important for you to expose your Bouvier to professional grooming from the moment you take them home. As they are raised with us, they receive several baths and nail trims, along with their first haircut. In an ideal world as we are groomers, we prefer to see new puppies groomed in different stages. The first professional groom should be at 10 weeks, followed by 12 weeks old, then 14 weeks old. If the dog at this stage is doing well with the grooming process, you can then move to 18 weeks of age and 22 weeks of age. From this point, the dog should be comfortable with grooming and can then be performed every 6-8 weeks depending on the haircut you choose. We recommend when receiving your Bouvier, we strongly encourage to find a groomer and set up a schedule with them. Many groomers are willing to work out fair pricing as this is being done very often to ensure the dog is properly socialized during the grooming process, which benefits the puppy and the groomer. This helps them learn and get comfortable with the grooming process, which is something they will require long-term.
Things you can do at home to create a stress-free experience include brushing, combing, using a hair dryer on their coat, whether they are wet or dry, trimming nails once a week and touching their feet along with holding their legs without difficulty. These are the key parts to grooming that your dog will need to be comfortable with for a stress-free groom, it will make you, your dog and your groomer's life much more peaceful.
How do I if know a Bouvier is right for my lifestyle?
It is important to find the right breeder who you can work together to ensure the right dog. There are different lines of Bouviers that have different drive, energy and abilities. It is important to reach out to your breeder of interest and explain your situation and what you are looking for in a dog. The Bouvier Des Flandres may be the right breed for you, but it is important the right puppy is chosen for you. This is where choosing your breeder is crucial so they can set you and the puppy up for success.
Canadian Kennel Club Breed Standard:
"The breed standard outlines the ideal characteristics, temperament and appearance of a breed, and ensures that a dog can carry out its original purpose. Breeders and judges should be mindful to prioritize dogs that are healthy and sound in both mind and body."
Origin & Purpose
The Bouvier des Flandres, as the name indicates originated in Flandres – both France and Belgium, as there are no boundaries separating these two countries. In the beginning, the Bouvier was used to herd cattle, for draught and butter churning. Modernization has changed farm equipment. Now the Bouvier is used as guard for home or farm, for defense work or police work. His great physical and moral aptitudes, his excellent nose, initiative and intelligence make him an excellent tracker and gamekeeper’s aid.
General Appearance
Cobby, short bodied and thickset on powerful and muscular limbs; gives the impression of power, without clumsiness as a whole. The fire in his eyes denotes intelligence, energy and audacity. He is calm, rational and prudently bold.
Bouvier is even tempered, never shy and not overly aggressive. He is calm, rational and prudently bold, never ‘pretty’ in attitude or behaviour. With those he knows well he is outgoing and almost boisterous. Shy dogs that back away under normal situations and overly aggressive dogs that show aggression without reason should be severely penalized.
Height at the withers: Dogs, 62.25 to 69.75 cm (24.5 to 27.5 in); bitches, 59.75 to 67.25 cm (23.5 in to 26.5 in) Slightly larger or smaller size should not be faulted if other factors are of good to excellent quality. However, the average size is most desirable.
Weight: Dogs, approximately 34 to 45.25 kg (77 to 100 lb); bitches, approximately 27.25 to 38.5 kg (60 to 85 lb)
Coat & Colour
The coat is very full. The topcoat plus the dense undercoat make a perfect wrap adapted to abrupt climatic changes characteristic of the breed’s country of origin. It must be rough to the touch, harsh and dry neither too long nor too short (about 6.25 cm [2.5 in]), slightly tousled without ever being woolly or curly. On the head the coat is shorter and almost shaven on the outside of the ear, but the inside is protected by fairly long hair. On the top of the back, the coat is harsh and dry; it becomes shorter on the lower legs, while still harsh. A flat coat is to be avoided since it indicates a lack of undercoat. Soft, woolly, silky, or too long or too short a coat are considered faults. Undercoat – wadding made of fine and coarse hairs grows under the overcoat and forms with it a waterproof mantle. Lack of undercoat is a fault.
The coat of the Bouvier des Flandres is fawn or grey often brindle or dark grey, or black. Light coloured coats (white, cream) and washed out colours, or chocolate brown with white spots are not desirable. A white star on the chest is allowed.
Massive, appearing more so because of his beard and mustache, it is well proportioned to his body and size. To feel, it is finely chiselled. Skull: Well developed and flat, longer than its width. The top lines of the skull and muzzle are parallel. The proportions of the skull to the muzzle are 3 to 2. Stop is barely perceptible, more apparent than real because of the raised eyebrows. Muzzle: Wide, powerful, bony, straight in upper profile, diminishing toward the nose but never pointed. The muzzle is shorter than the skull – in proportion of 2:3 and the circumference just below the eyes is about equal to the length of the head. Cheeks flat and dry. Nose: This is the continuation of the muzzle, it is slightly convex at its extremity, must be well opened nostrils. Spotted, pink, brown or butterfly are faults. Mouth: Jaws should be powerful and of equal length; teeth strong, white and healthy. The upper incisors must meet the lower ones like the blades of scissors. Overshot or undershot are faults. Mustache and beard: Fully dry, shorter and harsher on top of muzzle. The upper lip has a mustache, and the chin has a full, harsh beard, which gives the gruff expression so characteristic of the breed. Eyes: Bold and energetic, neither prominent nor sunken. In shape slightly oval on a horizontal plane. The colour should be as dark as possible in keeping with the colour of the coat. Light in colour or haggard in expression should be severely faulted. Eyelids: Black without a trace of deficient pigmentation. No haw should be visible. Eyebrows: These are made of upstanding hair that accentuate the arch of the eyebrows without ever hiding the eyes. Ears: Cropped in a triangle, they are carried well up; attached high and very mobile. It is recommended that the size and shape should match the size of the head. Uncropped ears are allowed.
Neck, Forequarters
& Body
Forearms: Seen from the profile or front they remain straight, parallel to each other, perpendicular to the ground. They should be well muscled and of powerful bony structure. Elbows: Close to the body and parallel. Elbows out or too close are faults. In action they must remain parallel to median line of the body. Carpus (knee) in plumb with forearms, except for accessory carpus at back. Strong and heavy bone. Pastern (metacarpal) of strong bony structure, very slightly inclined forwards. Feet: Short, round and compact. The toes should be close and well arched. Nails: Strong and black. Thick and hard soles.
Powerful, cobby and short. The length of the point of the shoulder to ischium should be about equal to the height at the withers. The ischium is the rear point of the rump. The chest should reach to level of elbows and never be cylindrical, though the ribs are well sprung. The depth (i.e., the distance between the sternum and the last rib) must be great, about seven tenths of the height at the wither. The first ribs are slightly curved; the others are well sprung and well inclined to the rear giving the desired depth of the chest. Flat, too long or overly rounded and short ribs must be greatly penalized. Flank: The flank between the last rib and the haunch must be very short, especially in males. There is very little tuck up. Back: Short, wide, muscled and firm – showing no weakness but remaining flexible. Long body or swayback are faults. Loin: Short, wide and well muscled – must remain flexible
but without weakness. Croup: Must follow as closely as possible the horizontal line of the back and follow (merge) smoothly into the curve of the rump. It should be wide without excess in the male, more developed (wider) in the bitch. A descending (steeply tilted) croup is a serious fault.
Typically docked to second or third vertebrae. However, the tail may be undocked. In all cases, the tail should be an extension of the spine and carried high during movement. Some Bouviers are born tailless and should not be faulted for this.
Thighs: Wide and well muscled. The direction will be parallel to the median plane of the body. The femurs will be neither too straight nor too inclined. The buttock will be well let down with good, firm breeches. The kneecap or patella is situated on an imaginary line from the iliac crest to the ground. Legs: Moderately long, neither too straight nor too inclined. Powerful and pronounced musculation is demanded. Rear legs must move in the same plane as front legs. No dewclaws. Hocks: Rather close to the ground, broad, well muscled and stretched. Seen from back they will be straight and parallel in the “stand” position. In action they remain parallel. Feet: Round, strong toes; close and arched. Strong, black nails and thick, hard soles.
The Bouvier des Flandres as a whole must be harmoniously proportioned to permit a gait free, proud and bold. The walk and trot are habitual gaits, though hambling and pacing are also employed. A Bouvier will single track at a trot.
The foregoing description is that of the ideal Bouvier des Flandres. Any deviation from the above described dog must be penalized to the extent of the deviation, keeping in mind the original purpose of the breed.
“Bouvier Des Flandres | CKC.”, 2022,